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Англо-русский политический словарь - receive


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получать; принимать

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См. в других словарях

  1. получать to receive a letter —- получить письмо to receive one's salary —- получить (на руки) жалованье to receive payment —- фин. получить платеж to receive orders to march —- получить приказ о выступлении as received —- тех. в состоянии поставки, не подвергнутый после получения (какой-л.) обработке 2. получить, приобрести he received a good education —- он получил хорошее образование he received the name of John —- ему было дано имя Джон 3. подвергнуться; претерпевать, испытывать to receive a severe beating —- быть жестоко избитым to receive a mortal wound —- получить смертельную рану to receive a black eye —- заработать синяк to receive insultss —- подвергаться оскорблениям to receive defeat —- потерпеть поражение to receive disappointment —- испытать разочарование to receive punishment —- понести наказание to receive thirty days —- получить тридцать суток (тюремного заключения) 4. встретить, получить to receive sympathy from smb. —- найти (встретить) в ком-л. сочувствие she received much attention —- она пользовалась большим вниманием the proposal was well received —- предложение встретило хороший прием the news was received with horror —- сообщение было встречено с ужасом he did not receive the news gladly —- это известие его не порадовало the speaker was received coldly —- оратор был встречен холодно how did she receive his offer? —- как она встретила (приняла,...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  получать – to receive a patent RECEIVE гл. получать, принимать (делегацию и т.п.) - fail to receive - receive assurances - receive goods - receive information - receive interest - receive on account - receive payment Syn: get, gain, obtain, acquire ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) вмещать 2) воспринимать 3) получать 4) принимать receive Morse code — принимать азбуку Морзе - inability to receive - receive clock - receive condition - receive ready ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  принимать; получать ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) принимать; получать 2) воспринимать (массу, давление) to receive off — принимать вне рабочей полосы (приёмника) ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  v.tr. 1 take or accept (something offered or given) into one's hands or possession. 2 acquire; be provided with or given (have received no news; will receive a small fee). 3 accept delivery of (something sent). 4 have conferred or inflicted on one (received many honours; received a heavy blow on the head). 5 a stand the force or weight of. b bear up against; encounter with opposition. 6 consent to hear (a confession or oath) or consider (a petition). 7 (also absol.) accept or have dealings with (stolen property knowing of the theft). 8 admit; consent or prove able to hold; provide accommodation for (received many visitors). 9 (of a receptacle) be able to hold (a specified amount or contents). 10 greet or welcome, esp. in a specified manner (how did they receive your offer?). 11 entertain as a guest etc. 12 admit to membership of a society, organization, etc. 13 be marked more or less permanently with (an impression etc.). 14 convert (broadcast signals) into sound or pictures. 15 Tennis be the player to whom the server serves (the ball). 16 (often as received adj.) give credit to; accept as authoritative or true (received opinion). 17 eat or drink (the Eucharistic bread and wine). Phrases and idioms be at (or on) the receiving end colloq. bear the brunt of something unpleasant. received pronunciation (or Received Standard) the form of spoken English based on educated speech in southern England. receiving-order Brit. an order of a court authorizing a receiver (see RECEIVER 3) to act. Derivatives receivable adj. Etymology: ME f. OF receivre, re{ccedil}oivre f. L recipere recept- (as RE-, capere take) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   verb  (~d; receiving)  Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French receivre, from Latin recipere, from re- + capere to take — more at heave  Date: 14th century  transitive verb  1. to come into possession of ; acquire ~ a gift  2.  a. to act as a receptacle or container for the cistern ~s water from the roof  b. to assimilate through the mind or senses ~ new ideas  3.  a. to permit to enter ; admit  b. welcome, greet  c. to react to in a specified manner  4. to accept as authoritative, true, or accurate ; believe  5.  a. to support the weight or pressure of ; bear  b. to take (a mark or impression) from the weight of something some clay ~s clear impressions  c. acquire, experience ~d his early schooling at home  d. to suffer the hurt or injury of ~d a broken nose  intransitive verb  1. to be a recipient  2. to be at home to visitors ~s on Tuesdays  3. to convert incoming radio waves into perceptible signals  4. to prepare to take possession of the ball from a kick in football ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (receives, receiving, received) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. When you receive something, you get it after someone gives it to you or sends it to you. They will receive their awards at a ceremony in Stockholm... I received your letter of November 7. = get VERB: V n, V n 2. You can use receive to say that certain kinds of thing happen to someone. For example if they are injured, you can say that they received an injury. He received more of the blame than anyone when the plan failed to work... She was suffering from whiplash injuries received in a car crash. VERB: V n, V n 3. When you receive a visitor or a guest, you greet them. The following evening the duchess was again receiving guests... VERB: V n 4. If you say that something is received in a particular way, you mean that people react to it in that way. The resolution had been received with great disappointment within the PLO... VERB: usu passive, be V-ed prep/adv 5. When a radio or television receives signals that are being transmitted, it picks them up and converts them into sound or pictures. The reception was a little faint but clear enough for him to receive the signal. VERB: V n, also V 6. If you are on the receiving end or at the receiving end of something unpleasant, you are the person that it happens to. You saw hate in their eyes and you were on the receiving end of that hate... PHRASE ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ v 1 »BE GIVEN STH« to be officially given something  (We have received numerous complaints about the airport noise. | receive sth from sb)  (In 1962 she received an honorary doctorate from Harvard. | You may be entitled to receive assistance from the state.)  (- see obtain) 2 »BE SENT STH« formal to get a letter, message, telephone call etc  (Yes, Anne received your letter Monday. | By the time the police received the call it was too late.) 3 »TREATMENT« formal if you receive a particular type of treatment, an injury etc, it is done to you or it happens to you  (The victim received injuries from which he has since died. | a cancer patient receiving radiation therapy) 4 »IDEAS/INFORMATION« usually passive to react in a particular way to a suggestion, idea, or piece of information  (Edith's plans were very well received by the board. | He did not receive the news very cheerfully.) 5 be on the receiving end (of) to be the person who is most affected by someone else's actions, usually in an unpleasant way  (I'm the one who's always on the receiving end of his bad moods.) 6 »PEOPLE« formal to officially accept someone as a guest or member of a group  (She only receives guests on Sundays. | receive sb into sth)  (Tessa was later received into the Church.) 7 »BY RADIO« a) if a radio or television receives radio waves or other signals, it makes them become sounds or pictures b) to be able to hear a radio message that someone is sending  ("Are you receiving me?" "Receiving you loud and clear!") ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  - 13c., from O.Fr. receivre, from L. recipere "regain," from re- "back" + -cipere, comb. form of capere "to take." ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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